
A way to join and fly in places of beauty

The concept of spatial navigational freedom is fairly easy to grasp, but it is important to remember that free navigation implies the re-visiting of scenes and experiences, even in different contexts and sessions. Thus navigational freedom is not simply spatial but temporal as well. In addition, two viewers moving through the same world, even at the same time, may view different things and events. The time-space-knowledge continuum is so complex that for the first time what is suggested is the everyday conditions under which we routinely live. However, it is important to note that there is no need to create a verisimilitude to this idea of the 'everyday'. In particular, physics need not be obeyed, nor causality, nor rationality. We have before us a blank canvas 'life', whatever that may mean. What is 'real' is precisely what is present in the volitional 'experience' of your instance of 'the world.'

The new language of virtual experience

One aspect of identity which seems to differ from our experience, but which is within the scope of variation of the medium, is the shift in viewpoint from omniscient to subjective, and all points in between. Most dramatically this is reflected in the camera view. If the view is omniscient the camera makes accessible to the viewer all experience and information relevant to the comprehension of the narrative or sensory development. As the point of view becomes subjective the camera might begin to take a 3rd person viewpoint in which the geometric 'body' of the viewer is in camera. Finally, when the point of view becomes entirely subjective the viewpoint moves within the geometric body which is then perhaps invisible to the personal view entirely, as if the identity of the viewer were a disembodied floating subjective 'singularity'... to learn more go -->